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Do's & Don'ts For Keeping Your Pet Safe During Guy Fawkes

05 November 2018 | 0 comments | Posted by Che Kohler in Fur, Fins & Feathers

How to keep your pet safe on Guy Fawkes

 “Remember, remember the fifth of November...” Your pets always do.  Guy Fawkes Night is always something to look forward to; in commemoration of this historic day we make a point of setting off fireworks and make our way designated areas to view extravagant firework displays. Though Guy Fawkes has a special place in history, it can strike fear into the heart of any animal.

To them the loud blast of rockets, bright lights and flares are frightening. Here’s our list of Do’s and Don’ts to make sure you make the best of November 5th  without alarming your pets.


Keep your pets indoors

Guy Fawkes Day is followed by missing pet’s day. In the spirit of Guy Fawkes, you are so taken by the loud bangs and colourful flares, in a flight of childish nostalgia; you forget all about Fido. Meanwhile your dog, who simply can’t stand for cowering in the corner; takes off looking for greener pastures. Tomorrow, you will see your local classifieds and community notice boards filled with posters begging you to return so and so’s Precious. Don’t let it be you. This is the worst time to have Fido take an evening run alone.

Lock down your home

When anxiety strikes the only thought in your pet’s mind is an escape. Make sure you draw the curtains, close doors and the bar windows. Try to block out lights from the outside. If you have a kitty, make sure you have a litter box ready. Do what you can to keep your pets on your property.

Ensure that your pet has enough exercise through the day

To make certain that your dog doesn’t make a run for it, make sure his day is action-packed. Exercise is a great way to stimulate your pet, in addition, it will make sure that your pet is simply too tired to take part in the festivities.

Make sure your pet is easy to identify

During your Guy Fawkes preparations, ensure that your pet is identifiable. Get that ID tag, collar and chip sorted today. If, after securing the house, your pup or kitty slips out, at least you have left a trail of breadcrumbs... Kitty will come home, right?

Employ a strategy to distract

Keep your pet occupied, preferably with a human companionship. Alternatively, keep your pet busy with toys and yummy treats. Use the TV to muffle the sounds coming from outside. Music also has the ability to calm a distressed pet. With familiar “noise” the house will sound active, this consoles your pet. With the TV on your pup will never feel alone.

Make their safe space comfy and secure

There’s something about a soft warm blankie and a cosy corner. Pets tend to find solace in the corner and under the bed. Line a cupboard shelf with soft material or place a blankie in a box, better yet place your doggy’s bed in a corner. Animals such as dogs love to burrow, give your pet the option. Who knows your kitty might just get so comfy she sleeps through it all.

Have your vet’s number close at hand 

This particular day can be problematic for older pets and animals with heart conditions or anxiety problems. Your vet may suggest a sedative to calm your animal’s nerves.

Find alternative methods to deal with anxiety

Stress can influence an animal’s state of mental wellbeing. Use all means possible to reduce stress and get your pet relaxed

Get out your gran’s herbal remedies book

All those old-school, keep-calm concoctions and Dutch remedies work. To be on the safe while calming your nerves, supplement your pets’ diet with chamomile, vervain, valerian lemon balm, lavender and skullcap. Rescue remedy is a great solution for calming the nerves. Just run your plans by your vet first.

Act as though everything is normal

Your pet is in tune with your thoughts, he can pick up when something is wrong. The slightest sign of distress will disturb a relaxed pet.


Punish pet if they become anxious

The loud noises and fireworks are bad enough. The onslaught of negative words can only make it worse. Instead, give your pet positive reinforcement. Don’t blame kitty for wetting your bed, she got scared and you provoked her.

Fuss over pet

Even your pet can tell when you are overdoing it.

Leave your pet alone and bored

If your pet is left alone, make sure that there are enough distractions to keep them occupied.

Coax your pet out of hiding

If your pet chooses to hide beneath your bed, under a cupboard or in that safe space in the corner, let it be. Give your pet the opportunity to come out when they feel comfortable.

Convince yourself that the fireworks display is an excellent outing for your pet

It might be a great get together for friends and family, but not for pets.

Animals In Distress gives us a friendly reminder to keep our pets in mind as we celebrate Guy Fawkes.

Share your tips

Did you find these tips helpful? Do you have any tricks you would like to share? Drop us a line and comment! `Share your experiences during Guy Fawkes or tell us what your tips are for keeping your pet safe during the 5th of November.


Tags: pets, safety , tips

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