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9 Email Marketing Stats To Build Your 2017 Strategy Around

31 January 2017 | 0 comments | Posted by Che Kohler in nichemarket Advice

Email Marketing strategies for 2017

Email marketing is a fiercely competitive platform for online marketing with millions of emails sent very day trying to drive people from their mailboxes to websites for many different reasons. Email has been a popular digital channel for many businesses if done correctly is the fastest way to get a large uptake in traffic in a short space of time. Having a healthy email database is vital to any business that wants to drive high repeat businesses and gather new businesses at a very low ROI. Therefore it’s important that your strategy does not fall short of the best.

So ask yourself is your email marketing strategy as effective as it could be? Even if your answer is yes, this article may just convince you otherwise. In the world of digital, there is always room for improvement. Here are a few statistics that will make you questions your strategy, ones that will make you question your current strategy and if it is as effective as it should be. So let's begin.

Stat 1

According to Experian, the open/click rates for transactional emails are 8 times higher than any other type of email and can generate 6 times more revenue.

What is a transactional email?

Transnational email is an email sent to facilitate an agreed-upon transaction between the sender and the recipient. It generally contains information a recipient wants or needs. So, if transnational emailing is not part of your email marketing strategy, then maybe this year is your chance to give it a try as it could really help increase your revenue.

Stat 2

Do you want to improve your conversion rates? Well, according to eMarketer, leveraging off email automation has been reported to see conversion rates as high as 50%.

What is email automation?

Email marketing automation refers to software platforms and technologies designed for marketing departments and organizations to market on multiple channels online in a more effective and efficient way. An example of such software is MailChimp.

Stat 3

Furthermore, automated email messages have 70.5% higher open rates and 152% higher click-through rates than “business as usual” marketing messages.- Epsilon Email Institute

Free email automation tools

So if you're looking for mail automation tool to test this why not try one of these 5 free tools

Stat 4

Are you optimizing your emails for mobile devices? Because according to Campaign Monitor, about 53% of emails are opened on mobile devices. So, it is extremely important that you optimize your emails for mobile use. I also urge that you invest in a marketing tool like Click.org for mobile detection. Not only will it let you know if your traffic is using mobile or not, but it will also redirect the visitors using mobile to mobile optimized pages. Therefore, helping you increase your chance of making a sale.

Stat 5

According to TechCrunch 75% of Gmail’s users access their accounts via mobile devices. Consider the fact that Gmail can be accessed via browser or native app on mobile devices, are your emails rendering correctly on both versions? Are your email templates responsive? Is your call to actions in your emails prominent on a smaller screen?

Stat 6

According to Campaign Monitor, the iPhone is the most common mobile device subscribers use to open their email for the first time. So, if your focus is strictly on android optimization, perhaps you should reconsider.

Stat 7

Aberdeen, states that personalized email messages improve click-through rates by an average of 14% and conversions by 10%. Thus, if you're used to sending out a generic email in bulk then maybe you should question your strategy. It’s okay to send in bulk, so long as it doesn’t seem as though you are if you know what I mean, but the real win would be augmenting this with a 1 to 1 communication strategy.

Stat 8

It was reported that there was a 760% increase in revenue from segmented campaigns.- Campaign Monitor

What is segmentation?

This is the process of identifying and curating smaller mailing lists from your database. Creating segments based on buying behaviour, visitor behaviour, non-action, location and many other factors you feel are important to group users by. Then using these segments to send users a targetted personalised mail to drive interest in that particular segment.

Stat 9

According to Campaign Monitor, you are 6 times more likely to get a click-through from an email marketing campaign than from a tweet. So, if you’re focusing all your energy and money on Social Media marketing, then I advise you slow it down and focus on Email Marketing instead.

Working in conjunction with social media

Instead of driving users to the site from social media via paid or organic posts, driving social media users to subscribe to emails is a great way migrate users from a high ROI channel to a lower ROI channel. Moving users to your email database will allow you to target those same users with a direct marketing tool while you use your social media channels to gather new leads and persue more long tail avenues.

You've got mail

I hope that these simple but useful statistics made you question how effective your email marketing strategy really is. Plus, give you a little insight on new ways to improve your sales and success. If it has, let us know how in the comments section below.

Contact us

If you want to know more about email marketing don’t be shy we’re happy to assist. Simply contact us here

Tags: email marketing

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