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AdWords Expanded Text Ads Could Get Even Longer

03 March 2017 | 0 comments | Posted by Che Kohler in nichemarket Advice

AdWords Expanded Text Ads Could Get Even Longer

If you were happy with the 80 character description line available in expanded text ads that AdWords already afforded you could be in for a good surprise. Google is testing out a feature to add a lot more leg room to get your message across, which could soon see extended ads double that character count. The new format could allow for PPC marketers to build ads that have 30+30 characters for headlines and 80+80 characters for descriptions.

First discovery of extended-extended ads

There has been no official word from Google the update was actually spotted by Valerio Celletti. When managing one of their accounts noticed the option to add a second description line to expanded text ads in the AdWords web interface earlier this week in a US account.

The additional optional line also has an 80 character limit. There is currently no information provided in the information popup next to the Additional description (optional) line in the UI.

Extended ads

The extended ads option in AdWords

Putting the extended-extended ad to the test

Celletti says he started testing the second description line in ads two days ago. So far, CTR on the extra long ads are slightly lower than the average expanded text ad, says Celletti, but this could be down to a myriad of factors and has stated they will continue to run tests.

Radio silence from Google

Search Engine Land tried to reach out a Google spokesperson for answers but was only given a generic response. “Google is constantly testing out new products and features to improve user and advertiser experience.” Have you seen extended-extended ads in your Adwords accounts yet? let us know in the comments section below

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Tags: Google Adwords, Tools, SEM, Search Engine Marketing

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