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AdWords Visual Sitelinks Available Soon

15 November 2016 | 0 comments | Posted by Che Kohler in nichemarket Advice

AdWords now ads visual sitelinks

In a bid to keep users coming back, keep Adwords relevant and increase profit and bidding segmentation Google is constantly testing out new formats for site links. Site links can be found under the search results ad snippets on some keywords searches and are primarily used to enrich the ad, improve engagement and capture more retail space in SERPs. Originally, site links were hyperlinks to important pages hosted on a website, which showed up in the form of simple blue links under the search result snippet. But Google has taken this further with its improvements to the AdWords user interface and now offers a variety of options for paid search marketers to get the most out of their ads or fit their unique business needs. These site link variations are available under the Ad extension section in your AdWords and range from price extensions to click to message extentiosn and many more.

What are visual site links

A new extension which is only displayed on mobile SERPs, that combines relevant images +title and description, in a swipeable carousel.

Where are visual available?

Google always true to their phased approach with all of its products have had live test segments running for a while. Visual site links have been in experiment mode, testing with customers in the US only for the past few months. The test cases have been promising and users have received significant performance gains from the new format. Beta test users have given overwhelmingly positive feedback from account performance since implementation went live in their ads. This has given Google the go-ahead for step two. Which is now being primed for roll out and visual site links have now opened up to English regions globally (Campaigns targeting English on any Google domain).
South African marketers may have to wait as visual site links are not yet open to everyone in SA with only a few whitelisted clients chosen to test the feature.

What is so great about visual site links?

In terms of performance, the aggregate uplift is positive but and based on the quality of the images and the relevance of those images to the campaigns they're added to. While early signs reflect well we have to take into consideration that this is based on sampled data from the US, we will only see the true value of visual site links once it rolls out completely worldwide and once all AdWords account users have it available to them.

Contact us

If you want to know more about site links don’t be shy we’re happy to assist. Simply contact us here

Tags: Google Adwords, SEM, Tools

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