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Bing Lets You Save Search Results

22 November 2016 | 0 comments | Posted by Che Kohler in nichemarket Advice

Save search results with Bing

When you consider the fact that there are around 3.5 billion searches done per day worldwide and with searches going across device there can be quite large the overlap of duplicate searches, users performing the same search results to reach the content they've already visited.

Average daily searches per person
  • Bing users do 5 searches per day
  • Google users do 5.6 searches per day
  • Yahoo! users do 7.8 searches per day

Revisiting content has been an age-old practice aided by the use of bookmarks. Which have been an internet browser staple when it comes to curating sites and pages. But things have changed, this user behaviour isn't as popular as it once was and is not natural to users behaviour for mobile searchers, who prefer searching for old content they've visited before. Content creation tools have been around for a while, from StumbleUpon to Feedly and while these have merits, are great tools and large users bases it still required a certain degree of commitment from the user to submit and save pages and sites to your feed to view later. So it was only natural for a search engine to cross this divide sooner or later, which is what Bing has done.

Bing Save For Later

Search engines live and die by providing users with relevant information at their fingertips as quickly as possible and what better way to do this than by allowing users to save their search results for easy access later. To save a result simply hover over the result and once the menu bar displays select the save result option. When you want to view your saves later click 'see all' from bing homepage to showcase the list of all your saved content and filter type of media. Bing save search results

Access lists cross device

One of the great things about Bing Save For later is not just that you can explore everything you find in the moment you discover it and save it to come later. But the fact that you can view your lists later on your PC or mobile device, as long as you’re signed in.

What you can save with Bing

You can save 4 distinct types of searches:

  • Webpages
  • Images
  • Videos
  • Shopping items/products

See Bing Save Search In Action

I personally welcome the feature and see myself using it quite often since I am one of those who tends to repeat my searches regularly instead of bookmarking. The big question is will a large % of users adopt this behaviour and how will it affect future search behaviour, will it lower the number of searches, will there be a content bias boost for others? Looking forward to these and more questions being answered soon with some interesting data and search behaviour pattern studies which I'm sure Bing is collecting as you read this.

Contact us

If you want to know more about saving your search results don’t be shy we’re happy to assist. Simply contact us here

Tags: Blog, How to, SEO

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