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Digital Quotes To Inspire Your Workday

03 August 2018 | 0 comments | Posted by Shamima Ahmed in nichemarket Advice

Digital quotes to inspire you

As digital marketers and specifically technical marketers, a lot of our work involves fighting with devs and finding solutions to frustrating solutions. 

To put a little spring back in our steps we have decided to end our work week off with an inspirational piece from a revolutionary individual who has inspired us in the world of digital. Each Friday we will be posting a quote, and it will be added to the Wall of Fame below.

Wall of Fame August 2018

Elon Musk Quote

Wall of Fame July 2018

Kathryn Minshew Quote
bill gates quote

Feeling inspired?

If you have anything to add a comment below with your digital quote and we will feature it in our Friday slot.

Tags: digital strategy, inspiration, quotes, start-up

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