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The Pain Of Link Building In Memes

26 November 2016 | 0 comments | Posted by Che Kohler in nichemarket Advice

Rand Fishkin defends links with his life

Link building has been a fundamental part of SEO since the inception of the discipline, has hard as it has become to get quality links is equally how valuable they have become. A link builders day is never done, trying to find quality links, from a variety of domains with high authority, diversifying your links across as many C blocks as possible. Then there's looking at your link profile and making sure you're gathering a good mix of follow and nofollow links for your site and of course the golden unicorn, branded and contextual link building.

Let's face it link building is hardly fun for most of us. If you've dabbled in SEO and attempted to build links you will find some of the following pain points hit really close to home. We would like to let you know you're not alone so we pulled together the best memes that take the mickey out of link building, so sit back, scroll down and enjoy!

1. Silent Bob Questions Link Building

Silent bob questions link building

You should always link build my friend.

2. Ron Burgundy Knows His Stuff

Ron Says Link building is a big deal

If you're still feeling like Silent Bob, listen to Ron. The harder it's becoming the bigger deal it gets, and yes link building is pretty big in Japan.

3. Link Exchange for a Beer

Trading a beer for link building

brewski for a quality link is one drink you won't regret paying for

4. Link Builders Desperation

Link building desperation

Link builders are the most qualified internet stalkers out there.

5. Quality Links Over Quantity

1 link is better than 10 says Dwight

Take it from Dwight Shrute, 1 link can easily outstrip 10, so look out for that Usain Bolt link, it is out there.

6. Navigating the forest of Links

Forrest Gump on link building

Give Jenny all your love and make sure you pick the best chocolates in the box first.

7. Links Are only as Good as what they link to

Linking to quality content

Quality content and deep linking go together like PBandJ.

8. The Bigger the backlink profile

Mo links mo problems

Make sure you count your links, take care of them nurture them, prune out those not working and keep your profile healthy

9. The real cost of buying links

Paid links need to be cleaned up

If you do buy links make sure they're from a reputable source and check the pages and sites yourself. You've been warned.

10. Link Building Jedi Trick

Yoda knows his backlinking

To utilize the full extent of the force deep link you must

11. Picking up from where the last SEO left off

Google doesnt care who put the links there

Sigh, almost everytime I've started work on a new site. I've had to do pest control, getting rid of spammy and low authority links holding your site back. Not cool, make sure you leave a backlinking profile worth building on, it's only fair.

12. Link building Struggles and Royalties

Keep calm and carry on link building

Now that we've shared in the pain and had a good laugh, don't give up. There are plenty of links in the sea, you'll find the ones for you......eventually

Contact us

If you want to know more about link building don’t be shy we’re happy to assist. Simply contact us here

Tags: Link Building, MEMES, SEO

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