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Trending Hashtags For Gamers and Gaming Streamers

17 June 2018 | 0 comments | Posted by Che Kohler in Geek Chic

Hashtags for gamers

The online gaming scene has exploded over the last 10 years and with the growth of social it was only a matter of time before the two combined forces and in 2018 it's never been more apparent. Let's plays and gaming streamers have become a phenomenon and eSports has become a pretty serious genre to be involved in, we only have look at the insane growth of fortnite to see how far the online gaming market has come.

Console and PC gamers have become social media stars and turned to sites like YouTube, Twitch and dLive to broadcast their gaming streams to fans from around the world. As the market for streamers becomes more and more competitive its important to employ all the marketing tools at your disposal. Reaching out to fans on multiple platforms and not just where you broadcast from.

Bringing in fans from Facebook, Twitter and Instagram can be what helps you become one of the top streamers in the world. Building up an audience on every platform helps you spread your message faster and drive up those views. So how do you get noticed with all the clutter on social media newsfeeds? You don't! You help curate your content for consumers to find and to curate your own content on social media means to use relevant hashtags.

Increase your visiblity on social media with trending hashtags

The easiest way to get the most exposure and increase your engagement on Instagram, without paying a small fortune, is to:

  1. Post Awesome Content
  2. Use relevant popular and trending hashtags to increase your exposure.

Not only will this bring in the likes and the comments you looking for, but this method has proven to increase the following of brands and personal accounts who have implemented it. Gamers and Streamers are all using Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to create promotional posts and all employ the Hashtag methodology to increase the visibility of their posts and to attract new fans.

Pro Tip: Learn the right way to use a hastag here.

Gaming general hashtags







#walkthroughs #headset























#indiegames #indegamer








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Gaming publisher hashtags
























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Gaming platforms hashtags































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Note: If these hashtags don't fit your niche and would like to source your own tags then check out our post - Social Media Tools: 8 Topic Trend Trackers

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Tags: instagram, Social Media, Twitter, gaming

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