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High Demand Jobs in South Africa For 2019

15 February 2019 | 0 comments | Posted by Che Kohler in Talent Agents

South African Jobs in High Demand for 2019

The South African unemployment rate currently sits at a staggering 26% with many of those being semi-skilled and unskilled labour. We may have a country filled with able-bodied people ready to be put to work but the jobs we need are of a very high calibre. Education is key if we are to reduce the unemployment numbers and filter skilled labour into the sectors they are needed in. 

The South African Department of Higher Education and Training has recently released a comprehensive report detailing 370 high-demand jobs in South Africa. The list features jobs that have had strong employment growth or are experiencing shortfalls in the labour market or jobs that are likely to be in demand in the future. The list highlights the high demand occupations at a national level to help universities and post-matric training programmes with the vast developmental objectives of South Africa.

Requirements for a high demand job in South Africa

It is also targeted at public and private employers who are encouraged to the list in the creation of their own development and training programmes. High demand occupations According to the department, occupations were in high demand if:

  1. They show that there has been strong employment or wage growth in the past five years.
  2. They could possibly show relatively strong employment growth in the future.
  3. It has been recognised that there is a shortage in the labour market.
  4. Are new and are expected to come out in the future because of innovation, technological progress, the developments of new industries or the introduction of government strategic priorities.

The list of high-demand occupations was further broken down into three levels of demand including highest demand, higher demand and high demand. This pointed out the job shortages that need to urgently be focused on.

The most in demand in South Africa are:

OccupationOR CodeLevel of Demand
Aeronautical Engineering Technician311503Highest
Agricultural Engineer214905Highest
Agricultural Engineering Technologist214906Highest
Agricultural Scientist213202Highest
Agriculture Consultant213201Highest
Application Development Manager133104Highest
Archives Manager134907Highest
Armature Winder671207Highest
Broadcast Transmitter Operator352101Highest
Building Associate312301Highest
Camera Operator (Film, Television or Video)352102Highest
Chief Financial Officer121101Highest
Chief Information Officer133101Highest
Child Care Worker531101Highest
Civil Engineer214201Highest
Civil Engineering Technician311201Highest
Civil Engineering Technologist214202Highest
Clerk of Works312301Highest
Client Services Advisor122105Highest
Coding Clerk441301Highest
Construction Project Manager132301Highest
Construction supervisor312303Highest
Contract Manager121904Highest
Corporate General Manager121901Highest
Corporate Services Manager121902Highest
Credit Manager121103Highest
Customer Service Manager122105Highest
Data Management Manager133103Highest
Director of Marketing122103Highest
Electric Substation Operations Manager311302Highest
Electrical Engineering Technician311301Highest
Electrical Installation Inspector671102Highest
Energy Efficiency Technician311303Highest
Engineering Manager132104Highest
Environmental Manager134901Highest
Family Court Registrar261904Highest
Farm Manager131101Highest
Finance Manager121101Highest
Financial Markets Practitioner241204Highest
Fleet Manager132405Highest
Food and Beverage Scientist213205Highest
Forest scientist213203Highest
Foundational Phase School Teacher234101Highest
General Manager Public Service111202Highest
ICT Communications Assistant351201Highest
ICT Project Manager133102Highest
Industrial Engineer214101Highest
Industrial engineer214201Highest
Industrial Engineering Technologist214102Highest
Information Systems Director133106Highest
Information Technology Manager133105Highest
Interactive and Direct Marketing Strategist122104Highest
Internal Audit Manager121104Highest
Investment Advisor241203Highest
Investment Analyst241201Highest
Investment Manager241202Highest
Junior Secondary School Teacher (Grades 8 - 9)233108Highest
Laboratory Manager134902Highest
Labour Recruitment Manager121907Highest
Legislation Facilitator261902Highest
Lift Mechanic671204Highest
Logistics Manager132402Highest
Management accountant121101Highest
Manufacturing Quality Manager132106Highest
Master of the Court261903Highest
Materials engineer214907Highest
Materials engineering technologist214908Highest
Materials non-destructive testing operators214908Highest
Mechanical Engineering Technician311501Highest
Mechatronics Technician671203Highest
Medical Laboratory Technician321201Highest
Mining engineer214601Highest
Mining engineering technologist214602Highest
Museum Manager134909Highest
Office Manager134904Highest
Operations Foreman (Non-Manufacturing)134916Highest
Operations Manager (Non-Manufacturing)134915Highest
Payroll Manager121102Highest
Physical Asset Manager121903Highest
Power Generation Operations Manager (G)132105Highest
Pressure Equipment Inspector311502Highest
Process engineer214101Highest
Production / Operations Manager (Manufacturing)132102Highest
Production / Operations Supervisor (Forestry)131103Highest
Production Assistant (Film, Television or Radio)352106Highest
Production Engineer214103Highest
Production Engineering Technologist214104Highest
Production/Operations manager131102Highest
Programme or Project Manager121905Highest
Project Builder132302Highest
Proof Reader441302Highest
Quality Assurance Analyst (Computers)251901Highest
Quality Systems Manager121908Highest
Quantity Surveyor214904Highest
Radio Station Operator352105Highest
Road Transport Manager132403Highest
Sales and Marketing Manager122101Highest
Sales Executive122102Highest
Sales Manager122102Highest
Senior Government Manager111207Highest
Senior Government Official111204Highest
Senior Primary School Teacher (Grades 4-7)234102Highest
Senior Secondary School Teacher (Grades 10-12)233107Highest
Small Business Manager134903Highest
Sound Technician352103Highest
Supply And Distribution Manager132401Highest
Surveying or Cartographic Technician311202Highest
Sustainability Manager121909Highest
Television Equipment Operator352104Highest
Tourist Information Officer422101Highest
Town Planning Technician311203Highest
Transportation Electrician671208Highest
Travel Consultant422102Highest
Warehouse Manager132404Highest
Waste Materials Plant Operator313202Highest
Water Plant Operator313201Highest
Water Process Controller313203Highest
Weapon Systems Mechanic671205Highest
Wine Maker213204Highest

To view the complete list you can download the report here

Tell us your career story

Have you started doing looking into a new career path? Do you think these jobs are safe choices? Let us know in the comments.

Looking for a local recruiter?

Recruiters make finding job easier by tapping into their network they can introduce you to opportunities you would not be able to access on your own. If you need expert advice on various tasks, then check out recruiters and career specialists listed with us.

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Recommended reading

If you enjoyed this post and you have some free time to dive deeper down the rabbit hole then we suggest you check out the following:

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