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How Technology Is Enabling New Ways of Writing

24 September 2021 | 1 comments | Posted by Wanda Lafond in Industry Experts

Technology changing the way we write

While there are no barriers to innovation development, the top-notch solutions for different tasks, industries, and goals proceed with streamlining routine tasks, reducing human errors, and suggesting ways to optimise most business and everyday processes.

Content writing isn’t an exception since advanced technologies change how we write and communicate using the written word. From the ability to use a digital medium to write to an AI writing algorithm - modern technologies cover most of the writing tasks, so let’s find out what opportunities the top-notch solutions can offer today’s writers.

More research opportunities

Modern technologies help us write better firstly because of the opportunity to research, research and research. The process of searching for the information became instant and effective at once. What’s more, googling the question isn’t the only option to gather information for a content piece. There are many online libraries, bookshelves, databases, academic journals, and most of them come for free.

Artificial intelligence also facilitates the way we search for information by remembering the previous search queries, suggesting related articles and topics, and matching the results with the keywords more accurately.

As a result, modern technologies give a way to write a more researched, detailed, validated, and scientifically proven piece of content.

More writing courses online

For those in need of their writing skills boost, there is an option to join various online courses from leading experts. This is one more opportunity modern technology opens up for aspiring writers. If earlier writing was mainly considered a talent, now it is more about skill development which becomes possible using the tools for online learning.

For example, if you want to join the range of the Best Writing Online, consider Udemy or Coursera to level up your writing skill, get the first customers and a place under the sun on the custom writing services reviews platforms.

Instant grammar and typos check

How does technology help content creator polish their writing? Surely, you have heard of Grammarly, for instance. This is an application powered by artificial intelligence that checks your text for mistakes, typos, and missing punctuation, plus suggests ways to improve your style, clarity, and engagement in its Premium version.

While it would be wrong to accept all the corrections made by an A-powered app, it still can be pretty insightful and useful to improve your writing.

There are also the tools to get rid of passive voice, improve readability and make sure your text is understandable for your target audience.

Reliable plagiarism check

When it comes to academic writing, the technology enables new ways to make it more proficient with the help of deeper research, plus with the help of the tools that allow for avoiding plagiarism.

The latter solutions are a win-win option for both students who are on the way to their writing skills and information processing skills development, the professors who need to make sure there are no-plagiarised pieces in an academic paper, and for scientists themselves who can also use a plagiarism checker to spot copyright violations.

Citation automation

Proceeding with the ways technology facilitates the ways of academic writing, let’s mention the tools that allow for automate citation creation. They also have artificial intelligence embedded and create a citation in the necessary style automatically, saving the time of the students and protecting them from mistakes.

Speech to text applications

The use of modern technologies also opens up the way to never lose any valuable idea for future content. You have to say them aloud and transfer your speech into text with the help of a dedicated converter.

This is also a winning solution if you feel like the plot, scene, or dialogue takes place in your mind right now, and you urgently need to capture them without losing any valuable world.

Using speech-to-text applications is also an option for people unable to use a keyboard, for example, due to injury. Plus, this is a way to write faster since we speak faster than we write, and the apps process your speech automatically.

By the way, this is one more example of artificial intelligence comes to the fore. The ability to convert speech into text is powered by Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology - the one Siri understands you with as well.

Ideas generators

Speech to text app isn’t the only technology that allows for saving your ideas. With the help of more innovative solutions, you can generate new ideas for your writing, rework and mix them in your plots and stories.

As for the simplest example possible, let’s recall the Hubspot Blog Post Ideas Generator.

This tool helps you come up with an idea for your blog posts, analysing the core keywords you enter into the search bar. There are also random names, locations, plots, stories, and hero generators you can use to start creating something that isn’t hackneyed.

Instant publishing and outreach

With the help of modern technologies, you as a writer can share and promote your content instantly, using the whole set of digital marketing channels. There is no need to come up with a printed book version. Instead, it is enough to design it digitally and sell it as an Amazon Kindle, for instance.

There is no need to run expensive marketing strategies. Instead, you can promote your content using SEO, your brand, blogging, and influencing, paid digital ads, social media campaigns and contests, and much more. When it comes to promoting your writing, the opportunities of modern technology are even broader than you can expect.

AI writing

In addition to the opportunity to use all the tools and approaches to better writing shared above, there is also an innovation that can create text on its own. Yes, we are talking about artificial intelligence once again - it powers most of the writing technologies available to date. The solution that can write an understandable, well-researched, scientifically backed-up, clear, and correct text already exists.

Still, to date, content writers have no reason to be afraid of losing their jobs. This niche is too trendy to be replaced by AI and fully automated in an instance. Plus, there will always be a need for human creativity the machine learning algorithms lack until they become self-aware.


The opportunities of modern technologies, with artificial intelligence in the spotlight, are almost unlimited. Make sure to use modern apps and solutions to write better, deliver more engaging and meaningful content, and promote yourself as a top-notch writer and expert.

About the author

Wanda Lafond is a professional content writer, copywriter, content strategist, and communications consultant. She started young with her writing career from being a high school writer to a university editor. Now she is a writer in professional writing platforms Best Writers Online and Writing Judge — her years of expertise have honed her skills to create compelling and results-driven content every single time.

Wanda Lanfond Author Profile Photo

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Recommended reading

If you enjoyed this post and have a little extra time to dive deeper down the rabbit hole, why not check out the following posts on content marketing.

Tags: Content Writing, Blogging, Content Marketing, Guest Post

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