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6 Stress-relieving Outdoor Activities For Busy Entrepreneurs
26 March 2021 | 0 comments | Posted by Derek Lotts in The Great Outdoors
When you are a passionate entrepreneur living and breathing your business, stepping back and recharging is vital for your overall well being. Although running your own business can be energising, long hours, sleepless nights, and limited time with your loved ones can be stressful.
Many entrepreneurs feel the need to be connected to their business constantly, so they tend to skip vacations. Some of them want to avoid expensive travel arrangements, but the truth is you can explore the world without breaking the bank.
Besides, to keep your productivity up and your creativity at its finest, you need to create downtime for yourself. If you’re looking for ways to relieve stress and revitalise, here are six outdoor activities that will help you wind down and turn that working brain off.
1. Running
Dealing with a stressful and hectic lifestyle can be taxing. Running is an outdoor activity that can help you combat the adverse effects of your busy lifestyle. It gives you time alone with your thoughts so you can focus on finding creative solutions to your problems. And even more, you can expect an overall improvement in brain performance as this exercise produces new brain cells and stimulates new blood vessels that nourish the brain.
Regular running will help you stay in shape and feel happier too. That relaxed post-run feeling often referred to as “runner’s high”, is attributed to increased levels of endocannabinoids, mood-improving neuromodulators that lead to reduced anxiety and feelings of calm. Running has a significant antidepressive effect too, and it can improve working memory and focus on regular runners.
2. Golfing
Golf is a great way to get physically active, soak up the sunshine, and enjoy the change of scenery. Golf promotes overall physical fitness and provides vital cardiovascular exercise. Its benefits go beyond physical fitness, and as a bonus, anyone can play.
Golfers breathe in the fresh air and get to play this game in beautifully landscaped golf courses allowing them to enjoy the beauty of flora and animals like birds that live in and around the courses. Due to all of these factors, golfing reduces blood pressure, anxiety, and depression, while boosting creative thinking exactly what busy entrepreneurs need to unwind!
3. Camping
If you are looking for stress reduction, camping is the way to go! It is the perfect way to escape an overbooked schedule and busy city life and enjoy magnificent natural landscapes. Step outside your comfort zone and opt for hidden camping areas. You’ll relish the astonishing scents of the outdoors while unplugging and getting in touch with nature. There’s nothing like encountering wildlife and sleeping under the stars while getting away from the screens.
Just make sure to gear up properly and bring essential outdoor tools while staying in the wilderness! Making fire, preparing food, or cutting bandage is impossible without a durable knife. So, to avoid a camping failure, make sure to get reliable OTF knives, a first aid kit, flashlights, and other essentials.
4. Hiking
There is some great news for all the non-runners out there: fast-paced walking provides a serious cardio burn too! In addition to this, you’ll enjoy the amazing scenery and reap the benefits of staying in nature.
And if you are in love with urban places, you can still harvest the benefits of hiking without having to escape the city! Go on an urban hiking adventure and get to know your city from the ground up.
Iconic walks are designed to explore urban hiking gems and visit the loveliest parks and picturesque streets. You’ll get your mind to relax while stretching your legs and discovering new places! You may also get to know your community a little better and make new friends.
5. Bike riding
Cycling is known to boost your mood and make you feel more content and calmer. Like other forms of exercise, it influences the release of chemicals in your brain that improves moods, reduce stress, and alleviate pain. It also minimises the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Nature cycling is especially beneficial as you get to enjoy breathtaking views of nature and breathe in the crisp fresh air. You can explore local forests or take a relaxed ride through the countryside.
You can use cycling to commute too, as a significant percentage of commuters experience no or less stress while using their bicycle to travel to their workplace. Or, you can commit to a bicycle-only day once a week and explore new city areas on your bike!
6. Building a garden
Gardening is one of the healthiest hobbies you can take up. Working in a garden works up all the body’s major muscle groups and promotes a good night’s sleep. A multi-year study published in 2011 demonstrated that gardening improves mood and reduces depression symptoms. Scientists have found that bacteria commonly found in soil work in a similar way to antidepressants. It may stimulate serotonin production, making you relaxed and happier.
Gardening also helps you recover from stress, improves your immune system, and alleviates anxiety. In addition to all of these benefits, while tending to your garden, you’ll breathe in the fresh air and bask in the sun. Sounds amazing, right?
About the author
Derek Lotts is an experienced freelance writer and researcher. His main areas of interest are a small business, home improvement, and sustainable living. He strongly believes in the power of sharing knowledge and ideas through the mediums of modern technology.
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If you enjoyed this post and have time to spare why not check out these related posts and dive deeper down the rabbit hole that is the outdoors.
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