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Keto Questions: What to Ask Your Waiter

04 February 2020 | 0 comments | Posted by Taylor Linford in Masterchefs

How to order for a keto diet when eating out

Although it is not advisable to be much strict on your eating regimes, there are kinds of food you need to avoid if you want to maintain a keto diet. In this article, we have questions you should ask the waiter before you order at a keto diet-friendly restaurant.

Have you ever asked what is the keto diet menu? If not, you are not alone; this is a question that has been fascinating many dieters. Keto diet comprises of high fat and low carb. The diet lowers the intake of carbohydrates, greatly substituting it with fat.

This puts the body into a ketosis metabolic state, where carbs consumption is less than 30 grams a day, a high amount of healthy fats, and moderate proteins. When you visit any keto diet-friendly restaurant, there are few questions that you need to ask the waiter before you order.

Ordering meals without inquiring can make you choose the wrong food and end up compromising your keto diet. Different restaurants, from Italian, Chinese, Indian, Japanese to Mexican, have different meals for the keto diet.

Explore below some of the keto diet questions to ask the waiter at a restaurant before you order. By the way, you can also include the best keto pills in your keto diet for a successful keto journey!

Do you serve extra butter?

Oh yeah! Don't be afraid to ask for extra oil or butter to drizzle on your veggie or protein. This may sound awkward, but it is a healthy meal for a keto diet. So, you ignore the shrug looks from your companions at the restaurant. Since the keto diet is trendy, in any place, you will find few who at least understand the benefits of adding more butter into your broccoli.

Do your restaurant offer substitutions?

Yes, this is a million-dollar question; the restaurant must be ready to offer alternatives. For instance, just because the burger is served with fries, it doesn't mean that the waiter cannot hold and substitute with a salad. There is no reason to fear to ask for an egg benedict without English muffin or the rice bowl without rice, the curry that has no rice, and more!

What can someone drink when on a keto diet?

As a keto dieter, you should let go of sodas and fruit juices because they contain excess carbs. The recommendable drinks are plain water, seltzer without sweeteners, plain coffee, bone broth, or even nut milk. Sometimes, you can include some types of alcoholic beverages along with kombucha.

Do your dishes come with sauce?

You deserve a straight answer from the waiter if you ask whether they serve dishes with sauce toppings. Most sauces are not suitable for a keto diet as they may contain cornstarch, added sugar, or wheat flour. So, there is a need to switch the starchy with salad or steamed veggie. If you go for the salad, olive oil or vinegar dressing is ideal. Ensure you have the keto diet explained before choose a given meal you aren't sure about.

What does Indian cuisine offer for the keto dieter?

Indian cuisine has various options for low carb eaters. There are kebabs, no potato curries, and tandoori dishes. Fresh Indian cheese also is good but beware of hidden carbs. Just ask the waiter about the ingredients before serving. Various benefits come with keto. Follow good eating habits and reap the best values for your life.


To be on the safe side, always take precautions before heading to a restaurant! If possible, go online and check their keto diet menu plan and whether you can customize it. Follow the order guidelines and advice we have given, and there will be no regrets whatsoever!

We are ever ready to listen to the customer and ready to take in our readers' suggestions. Please, if there is any question or idea you may wish to inform us, feel free to contact us.

About the author

Taylor Linford is a prolific writer who creates various freelance articles, especially on matters of healthy eating diet programs and mental health. He uses thoughtful stories to connect readers in a friendly and engaging way. If you meet Taylor, buy him a low carb kebab!

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Recommended reading

If you enjoyed this post and have time to spare why not check out these related posts and dive deeper down the rabbit hole that is the restaurant business.

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