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Most Effective HR Solutions For A Global Company

12 April 2022 | 0 comments | Posted by Dea Muric in Talent Agents

Human resource tips for international companies

The crisis generated by the COVID-19 pandemic has forced international companies to change their business strategy. Many were forced to admit that the old HR solutions no longer work and only allow them to survive in the current conditions but not develop.Today, the key business resource continues to be personnel whose energy and skills shape the company's results. Therefore, modern HR solutions are aimed at developing the well-being of employees and taking into account their interests.

Individual approach to each employee

The task of HR is to track employee behaviour scenarios and give employees what they need promptly, pushing them to interact. It is critical to find an approach to a person so as not to aggravate the situation, communicate with a person, and let the situation run its course.

Try to understand that the employee needs an incentive. So give him what he wants to defuse the situation and win the trust of the employee. If possible, send a specialist for training so that he can free himself from the inherent pattern.

Assessment of employees by competencies

For HR to effectively evaluate employees, it is necessary to develop a staff assessment system. First of all, to determine specific and understandable behavioural indicators: the requirements for the personality of an employee who will work in a particular position, what values ​​he must share to fit into an international company.

This must be done for all categories of staff: workers, managers, and applicants for these positions. It is important to describe indicators and how they manifest themselves in behaviour in simple terms so that they are understandable and easily measurable. Each indicator should be unambiguous.

Need for employee training

The organisation of the staff training process usually includes preparation - identifying the company's needs for employee training. To use money and other resources for the organisation of training, an HR specialist needs to see a clear picture that has developed in an international company and understand who and what must be trained.

To operate with objective data and competently plan the budget of training events, it is necessary to rely on a competency standard formulated for each position and the personnel assessment system adopted in the company.

So, the basis for planning the training of an employee is the existence of a difference between the actual indicators demonstrated by the employee and the regulated values ​​of competencies. This approach makes the process of training employees as effective as possible.

Remember that to further adjust the staff development process; HR needs to analyse the current state of affairs and evaluate the effectiveness and profitability of staff development.

Identification of potential leaders

Almost in any team, some employees have leadership inclinations, but for some reason, they do not show their abilities or simply do not know about them. Knowing which employees are potential leader is necessary for every HR in an international company.

First, if a company has unfulfilled leaders, they often begin to have a destructive effect on the team.

Secondly, employees with leadership potential can be included in the personnel reserve, appointed as project managers, and entrusted with solving organisational issues. And even use their abilities to setting up your foreign subsidiary to make it easier to resolve all legal issues in another country!

However, knowing who the hidden leader is is not enough to have a positive effect. It is necessary to develop the leadership skills of employees. It's also useful to seek out the leader in foreign employees and further develop their potential in the workplace.

Final word

The situation in the market is changing rapidly. If earlier companies had at least several months to restructure and adapt to the new rules of the game, now, due to the speed of changing external and internal circumstances, they should adapt quickly. Today, you need to find your approach to each employee.

It is necessary to analyse the behaviour of employees, identify their strong and weak competencies, the need for training, the level of involvement, and identify potential leaders.

Most employees during the difficult period of the pandemic want to participate in the implementation of the company's mission. They wish it prosperity, but at the same time, they expect the employer to take care of them.

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Recommended reading

If you enjoyed this post and have a little extra time to dive deeper down the rabbit hole, why not check out the following posts on recruitment.

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