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nichemarket Round-up For June 2019

01 July 2019 | 0 comments | Posted by Che Kohler in Updates

nichemarket performance summary 2019

Hey nichemarketers & nicheseekers

We've reached the end of May and have now been up and running for about 5 and a half months now. Fathers' Day has come and gone and we hope it was another joyous occasion for you and your family. Plenty has happened during the month of June so let's catch up with all the highlights with our monthly round-up, shall we?

What is the round up all about?

In a bid to show you that we are indeed community focused and want to be as open and transparent with South Africa we will be posting monthly summaries of how our services have improved and what's been happening on nichemarket, so you never miss out on vital information. We're not like other startups and tech business where we want to keep things shrouded in mystery, and we're happy to share our progress with all of you.

We realise we cannot grow without the support of both nichemarketers (business owners) and nicheseekers (consumers) and would like you all to feel part of the nichemarket community.

Summary for June 2019

Website performance summary

Visitor performance

  • 53 772 Visits
  • 84 215 Pageviews
  • 43 623 New Visitors to the site
  • Average time spent on site per user 5 minutes and 27 seconds

User Signups (nichemarketers & nicheseekers)

  • 291 new user accounts created

New Businesses added

  • 152 business

Most Viewed Business

Top 5 Categories

  1. Construction & Home Improvement
  2. Freelancers
  3. Automotive
  4. Retail
  5. Beauty

Most popular business search terms used

  • Marketing
  • Auto
  • Construction

Geographical breakdown

A break down of where our visitors are coming from in South Africa

  • Gauteng - 50.19%
  • Western Cape - 31.96%
  • KwaZulu-Natal - 11.16%
  • Eastern Cape - 3.29%
  • Mpumalanga - 0.94%
  • Limpopo - 0.67%
  • Free State - 0.63%
  • North West - 0.56%
  • Northern Cape - 0.22%

Partnerships & collaborations


Guest Bloggers

We've had a huge uptake in the number of guest post submissions as authors start to take note of what we're trying to achieve and wanting to share their insights with our audience. 

Thanks to the following guest bloggers who have contributed valuable insights towards the nichemarket blog over June:

  1. Maria Victoria MacAraig - Post: 12 Questions You Should Ask Your Managed IT Support Before Hiring Them
  2. Analisse Weathers - Post: 4 Ideas To Decorate Your Home Office Inspired By Florida Art Galleries
  3. Sylvia Hopkins - Post: Why It Is Important To Have a Liquid Flow Meter In Every Property
  4. Shane Naranjo - Post: 6 Practices That Help Avoid Boredom While Working
  5. Pieter Lategan - Post: Steemit a New Social Media dApp on the Blockchain
  6. Lisa Allen - Post: 7 Interesting Facts About Horses Behaviour
  7. Manan Ghadawala - Post: 7 Key Methods For Finding Trending Topics With Social Media
  8. Sreekanth Unnithan - Post: 7 Things To Do When Moving Into A New Home
  9. Evan Javier - Post: Everything You Need to Know About Acrylic Fabrication
  10. Corinna Keefe - Post: How to build a loyal audience for your fashion brand
  11. Cate Williams - Post: Why Unemployment Does Not Suck As Much As You Think It Does
  12. Anton Yany - Post: Easy On-Site SEO Analysis: 9 Key Steps To Success
  13. Raymond Chiu - Post: Workplace Wellness: How to Safeguard Your Mental Health at Work
  14. Cate Williams - Post: Turning Unemployment Into Funemployment
  15. Kristen Bowie - Post: Getting Ready for Your Networking Event: Attract More Sponsors in 5 Easy Ways
  16. Amy Mia Goldsmith - Post: Brown Spots on Skin: Causes and Treatments
  17. Zapriana Atanassova - Post: What Does A Young Digital Agency Really Think About Your Advertising?
  18. Cathy Baylis - Post:  7 Workplace Communications Errors and How to Avoid Them
  19. Jessica Smith - Post: 7 Make-up Essentials To carry In Your Bag
  20. Simon Beaufort - Post: How Should Freelancers Prepare For The Negotiating Process
  21. Alexandra North - Post: As More Types of Work Go Online, More Workers Are Going Nomadic

List your South African business for FREE

Create your free business listing on nichemarket. The more information you provide about your business, the easier it will be for your customers to find you online. 

Registering with nichemarket is easy; all you will need to do is head over to our sign up form and follow the instructions. If you require a more detailed guide on how to create your profile or your listing, then we highly recommend you check out the following articles. 

Share your thoughts

What do you think of our performance this past month? What did you find most interesting about this month roundup? Do you have any tips and tricks we should be looking at? Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve the site? Please let us know in the comments

Recommended reading

If you're interested in tracking our progress, then check out roundups from previous months

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